Inventory Shrinkage: Detect & Prevent Shrinkage in a Warehouse

Learn how to combat inventory shrinkage: Identify causes, calculate rates, and employ preventive measures to reduce losses.

In the high-stakes game of inventory management, business owners and supply chain managers in the US are all too familiar with the term ‘inventory shrinkage.’ This issue not only impacts stock levels but directly hits profitability. When shrinkage in warehouse settings goes unaddressed, it can create an undercurrent of inefficiency.

Recognizing the roots of this problem is the first step in deploying shrinkage solutions that can restore order and ensure business health. Discover how our warehousing solutions can bolster your strategy against shrinkage.

inventory numbers on a chart in a warehouse
Table of Contents

What is Inventory Shrinkage?

Often considered an inevitable part of retail, inventory shrinkage is a widespread concern that silently erodes the bottom line. Understanding what causes shrinkage and recognizing its prevalence is essential for businesses aiming to maintain an acceptable warehouse shrinkage rate.

Reasons for Inventory Shrinkage

Understanding these eight common reasons your business is experiencing inventory shrinkage is crucial to managing the situation.

Consumer theft

A primary culprit behind inventory shrink, consumer theft, can be mitigated through strategic shrinkage solutions designed to deter shoplifters.

warehouse manager meeting with a chart

Employee theft

Combatting employee theft requires vigilance and innovative shrinkage solutions that promote transparency and accountability within the workforce.


Proper inventory management is key to minimizing losses from expired goods, a notable factor in overall shrinkage in retail environments.


Implementing stringent quality controls can reduce the financial impact of damaged goods on inventory shrink.

Inventory and Administrative Errors

Thorough training on how to record inventory shrinkage and regular audits can correct the systemic errors contributing to inventory inaccuracies.

Lost Shipments

Effective tracking systems and accurate labeling are vital in preventing the lost shipments that contribute to inventory shrinkage.

Supplier Fraud

A robust verification process and diligent partnership management can safeguard against the supplier fraud that often results in shrinkage cost escalations.

Obsolete Inventory

Proactive types of inventory optimization can prevent the accumulation of obsolete items, a common concern when assessing what is inventory shrinkage and its impacts.

Why Should You Calculate Inventory shrinkage?

Calculating inventory shrinkage is critical to determining shrinkage cost and formulating strategies to mitigate it. Understanding how to calculate shrinkage precisely is the first defensive measure against this pervasive issue.

a warehouse worker confused about inventory shrinkage problem

How to Calculate Inventory Shrinkage Rate?

Inventory Shrinkage Rate = (Recorded Inventory – Actual Inventory) / Recorded Inventory

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Use our simple Inventory Shrinkage Calculator tool and get your rate calculated for you in seconds!

This shrinkage formula lays the groundwork for identifying the extent of inventory discrepancies.

  • Initial Inventory Count: Beginning with an accurate initial inventory count paves the way for reliable shrinkage calculation.
  • Final Inventory Count: A meticulous final inventory count is crucial in determining the actual state of inventory.
  • Calculate COGS: Understanding how to calculate shrinkage involves analyzing COGS to discern financial impacts accurately.
  • Calculate the Expected Inventory: Anticipating inventory levels helps in identifying potential shrinkage allowance warehouse adjustments.
  • Find the Shrinkage: Discovering the exact shrinkage figure is pivotal for accurate inventory shrinkage reporting.
  • Shrinkage as a Percentage: Converting shrinkage into a percentage offers a clear perspective on its relative impact.

Don’t Ignore Inventory Shrinkage: Risks of Inventory Shrinkage

Neglecting inventory shrink can lead to a lot of short-term and long-term problems. Here are some of them:

Product Loss

A direct result of inventory shrink, leading to reduced stock without corresponding sales.

Financial Loss

Ignoring inventory shrinkage is recorded when it significantly impacts financial statements.

Accounting and Tax Miscalculations

Inaccuracies in inventory lead to significant tax and accounting discrepancies.

Operational Inefficiencies

Shrinkage in retail and warehouse settings can lead to poor operational performance.

Impact on Pricing

To counterbalance inventory shrink, businesses often have to adjust pricing, affecting competitiveness.

Lowered Employee Morale

Internal theft detection can lead to distrust, affecting morale and productivity.

a suspect looking theif in a warehouse

Ways to Limit or Prevent Warehouse Shrinkage

Warehouse shrinkage can pose a serious threat to businesses. Fortunately, there are some ways to limit shrinkage in inventory.

Count inventory often

Regular counts can help maintain an acceptable warehouse shrinkage rate and detect issues early.

Reduce dock-to-stock time

Efficient warehouse putaway processes minimize the window for inventory shrink.

Create checks and double checks for receiving processes

Double-checking receiving processes ensures that how to record inventory shrinkage is accurate and transparent.

Install item tracking

Modern item tracking systems are crucial in understanding how to reduce shrinkage in a warehouse.

Educate employees

A well-informed team is essential in preventing shrinkage in retail and warehouse environments.

Clearly mark SKUs

Distinct SKU marking aids in avoiding inventory shrink and misplacement.

Set up 24/7 security systems

Comprehensive security measures deter theft and ensure shrinkage calculation remains accurate.

Do surprise audits

Surprise audits are a proven strategy for those pondering how to reduce shrinkage in a warehouse.

Automate inventory management

Automation reduces human error, a significant aspect of how inventory shrinkage is recorded.

Partner with a 3PL

Getting started with a logistics provider can introduce expertise and technology to tackle shrinkage in warehouse head-on.

damaged goods in a box

Combat Shrinkage: 3PL Provider Can Help Prevent Inventory Shrinkage

Enlisting the help of a 3PL with robust warehouse services can be a game-changer in the fight against shrinkage. These providers offer expertise in areas critical to preventing loss, from just in time inventory management to comprehensive audits.

Inventory Shrinkage FAQs

Shrinkage is often considered unavoidable in the retail and supply chain sectors because of the numerous variables that can lead to loss. Despite best efforts, factors such as human error, theft, damage, and spoilage are realities of managing large inventories. Even with stringent control measures, some degree of loss is typically expected due to these unforeseen or uncontrollable events.

The average shrinkage rate in retail varies by industry and country, but it is commonly reported to be around 1-2% of sales. This figure can be influenced by multiple factors, including the type of merchandise sold, the effectiveness of loss prevention strategies, and the geographical location of the stores.

Controlling shrinkage is a collective responsibility that involves several roles within an organization. While loss prevention teams or security personnel may lead the efforts, employees at all levels contribute to minimizing shrinkage. Professional warehousing services can be used to help control shrinkage.

Inventory shrinkage is reported in the financial statements as a reduction in the value of inventory on hand, which directly affects the cost of goods sold (COGS) and, consequently, the net income. When shrinkage in warehouse occurs, the inventory asset account is decreased, and an expense account (such as “Shrinkage” or “Inventory Shortage”) is increased, which is then reflected in the income statement as part of COGS or a separate line item, depending on the accounting policies of the company.

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